March Meeting

TAA’s March meeting will be the 17th (which is St Patrick’s Day so wear green!) We will have our show and tell for ABSTRACT and SPRING themes. Bring in your paintings. We could use a little spring around here!

By tennesseeartistsassociation

March Meeting Reminder

The meeting for March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) is at 7pm at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at 6500 Northshore Drive, Knoxville TN. Don’t forget to bring your paintings for the Show and Tell – bring your paintings from February’s canceled meeting (theme of ABSTRACT) and paintings for March whose theme is SPRING. (And  we sure could use some spring around here!) You may email us directly at if you have questions.

By tennesseeartistsassociation

Tennessee Artists Association Blog

The Tennessee Artists Association is in the process of creating a blog to promote the visual fine arts in the Knoxville and surrounding areas of East Tennessee. The Tennessee Artists Association meets the third Tuesday of each month except for December when a Christmas party is usually held at an area restaurant. The TAA currently meets at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at 6500 Northshore Drive in Knoxville Tennessee at 7pm. Please check out our facebook page and twitter accounts: facebook is Tennessee Artists Association and twitter is @TNartists under the name TAA. Direct questions to our email at